What Lies Ahead For 2021 ....

In 2019, I really wanted to start using this blog to log the events that I performed at and attended. More than anything, I wanted to track this for myself to be able to look back on it. But then 2020 happened, and I think for all of us - it rocked our priorities.

But we know that, and we’re still feeling it here at the beginning of 2021. I don’t want to backtrack to what I’ve missed. I want to keep moving forward. Between Twitch streaming, Idol Showcases, the projects I’m currently working on, and all of the people rooting for me.. I feel a lot more optimistic about this year. So I’d like to get back to using this! And documenting this process. I want to look back on this year as the year I finally accomplished many of my dreams.

And let me tell you.

We’re getting very close. And as we approach them getting closer, I’ll write about them and the process of creating these things.

I don’t want to spoil them, as the nitty-gritty is still being finalized. As I feel like it, I’ll post more blogs about things on my mind and subjects I’d like to discuss more. ♥

In the meantime, if you’re not already, be sure to be following me on both Twitch and Youtube - that’s where you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled! ;)

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